Monday, May 7, 2007

CTS on heaters/downswings

CTS, one of the players I follow and highly respect, posted about heaters/dowswings on 2+2 when asked the following question:

"How big in terms of buyins were the insanest heaters and insanest downswings?"

CTS responded:

"Kind of hard to quantify biggest heater, but I've ran at over 10ptbb/100 for 100k hands in toughish NL games.

for downswings, ive broken even / lost over 100k hands a few times, and have had a 30buyin downswing or two i think. I play a really swingy style though, a good session is +10buyins or more, and a bad one is -8buyins, anything in between is, meh."

I found to be pretty insightful - whenever he's posted numbers they are always sick good so it's good to know that even the great players have their valleys and plateaus.


Anonymous said...

Yea I saw his heater post the other day and how sick was that 2 day run?

Simply amazing how much some people win in poker.

Neb said...

I kept track with his style a lot. Some players are just really aggro and he's one of them. He's willing to get it in possibly 1:2 and rely on FE to even out. It's pretty high variance style, but whenever you hit a real hand, nobody is getting away. It's kind of the tradeoff. I think BoostedJ and other higher stake players play very similar.