Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A couple of hands ...

K9o vs. horrible player. He's 66/14 and just doesn't play well.

The flop was great so I potted it. Turn isn't bad so I bet pretty big. The river is horrible since it completes a flush draw. I check to him and he pots it. I think that if he bet smaller I would fold. Since he's a horrible player I called.

I am confused by his river play here. The player is 19/13 over 100 hands. wtf?

Link to my 2+2 post about it.

I think this is a fold on the river vs. a pretty passive (18/4/0.67) player:

Quad Kings FTW!

Pretty standard vs. shortie in a rr pot with that kinda flop. He INSTA-calls me:

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